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Financial Accounting


The internet presents a tremendous opportunity for people around the world to have virtually any type of information they need right at their fingertips.

Since most of our clients turn to us for their business, tax and financial needs, we have put together a "one-stop" links and database section which we hope you can use as your primary starting point for information.


At this section of our website, you can obtain those quick tax facts you can never remember (business mileage rate, 401(k) limitations, travel per diems, etc.).  We also summarize the phone numbers and important tax rates and addresses for all 50 states and provide you with links to download state and federal tax forms.

Take your time and look around.   If there is a link or other information you would like to see added here, just let us know.

Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy. They are not endorsed and their accuracy has not been verified by our firm or staff.




    Copyright McElroy, Quirk & Burch, APC