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Webwinder Interactive Javascripts: Monthly Deposit Time Calculator


This calculator will compute how long it will take you to reach your desired savings goal, based on three factors: the amount you currently have set aside, the amount you can add to your savings each month and the annual interest rate you expect to earn.

Instructions: To calculate the how long it will take to reach your savings goal, enter the beginning balance, your savings goal, the monthly dollar amount you plan to deposit and the interest rate you expect to earn, then click the "compute" button. Note that this calculator is based on monthly compounding.


Note: When entering numbers into the data fields only use numbers and applicable decimal points. Entering commas, dollar signs, or any other non-numeric characters will cause an error. Also please note that this calculator has been tested to work with Internet Explorer 3.01 and Netscape Navigator 3.01 web browsers. However, both must have the JavaScript option turned on.


Enter the amount you currently
   have set aside:


Enter the amount you want to
   accumulate (goal):
Enter the monthly addition:
Enter the annual interest rate:


# of months until goal is met:
# of years until goal is met:

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